Internet pirates have switched to a sophisticated new way to steal digital data — manipulation of human psychology. This attempt to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data using social engineering is known as phishing. On the one hand, the world is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, while on the other, enterprises worldwide are locking horns with destructive phishing attacks.
According to a 2020 Quarter 1 report by Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), COVID-19 has worsened the situation as cybercriminals are using the panic to launch Business E-mail Compromise (BEC) attacks, a type of phishing. In such uncertain times, the best way to fight phishing attacks is to strengthen the weakest link in the security chain, your staff, by providing the right security awareness training.
EC-Council’s Aware solutions offer you a complete security package against phishing, with convincing phishing simulations and security awareness training for your unguarded employees.

“COVID-19 led to a 667% increase in phishing emails in one month.” - Barracuda Networks
Over the past few months, scammers have leveraged the coronavirus outbreak to stage email phishing in order to trick people into divulging personal information. Being the best way to gain an individual’s trust, these attacks have spread their reach over the years.To fight sophisticated phishing attacks, Aware educates your employees to stay vigilant with real-life email phishing scenarios.

“84% of surveyed organizations faced SMiShing attacks in 2019.” - 2020 State of the Phish
SMiShing is a new form of phishing where the attackers use cloned numbers to scam individuals through text messages. As texting is one of the most common communication methods, this makes it an irresistible target for many cybercriminals.Aware conditions the mind of your staff to avoid falling prey to SMiShing attacks.To fight sophisticated phishing attacks, Aware educates your employees to stay vigilant with real-life email phishing scenarios.

“83% of surveyed organizations faced vishing attacks in 2019.” -2020 State of the Phish
Under Vishing, the perpetrators contact the target over a phone call, impersonating a legit entity to gain unauthorized access to private data. It is one of the most persuasive ways to victimize individuals. Aware offers your employees the right way to see through a cybercriminal’s malicious intent.